From the archive, originally posted by: [ spectre ]
“The following are based on the HabHYG dataset (i.e., they are as up to
date as I can make them). I hereby grant permission for anybody to
freely use these maps or lists in their novels, games, or projects.
Acknowledging this website as the source would be nice but I do not
insist upon it. The main thing is to get accurate 3-d starmaps in wider
circulation. Note that the maps are automatically generated by
software, not by hand, so sections of the maps are a tangled mess.
Galactic co-ords, galactic core is in the direction of the +X axis, -X
is rimward, +Y is spinward, and -Y is trailing. All units are in
parsecs (again: multipy parsecs by 3.26 to get light-years). Stars
likely to possess habitable planets are circled in green. Each
habitable star has green lines linking them with the closest two
habitable stars. Line are labeled with the distance in parsecs. On the
maps with non-habitable stars, in addition each non-habitable star has
purple lines linking them with the closest two stars. These lines are
just to give one a feel for a star’s neighbors. If all the lines were
drawn the map would resemble a cobweb made by a spider on LSD.
Also included are versions of the map in node or 2-1/2 D format.
Remember, lines are only included for a star’s two closest neighbors.
Different maps would result with different line rules (e.g., a neighbor
stars within distance X, single closest neighbor, stars with similar
masses, lines joining all stars except where intervening stars too
close to the line choke it off, etc.). The *.gml files have also been
included in case you wish to move the nodes around yourself. These
files can be used with the yEd software discussed in the 2-1/2 D
The gif maps were drawn with my crude program StereoStar. I included
the *.str files used by StereoStar. Warning, the program is crude and
very buggy. Use at your own risk.
The line lists are simple text files with the start and end points of
each line.
The star spreadsheets are in comma separated format. Column one is the
HabHYG index number. Column two is the Hipparcos catalog number. Column
three is the habitability flag, 1 = star has a high probability of
hosting a human habitable planet (i.e., it is listed in the HabCat
database). Column four is the name displayed on the map (i.e., the most
colorful name out of all the possibilities, in my opinion). Column five
is the HYG catalog number. Column six is the Bayer-Flamsteed name.
Numbers and greek letters are alternate prefixes (e.g., “18 Epsilon
Eridani” can be called either “18 Eridani” or “Epsilon Eridani”).
Column seven is the Gliese catalog number. Column eight is Bonner
Durchmunsterung catalog number (used by James Blish in his “Cities in
Flight” novels). Column nine is the Henry Draper catalog number. Column
ten is the Hoffleit Bright Star catalog number. Column eleven is the
star’s proper name, if any. Column twelve is the star’s spectral class.
Column thirteen is the star’s distance from Sol in parsecs. Column
fourteen through sixteen is the star’s xyz galactic cartesian
co-ordinates in parsecs (used to draw the maps). And column seventeen
is the star’s absolute magnitude.”