“Scholars have observed a pattern of economic crashes occurring approximately every seven years dating back to prior to the Great Depression– the Great Depression, the Arab Oil Embargo, the S&L crisis, Black Monday, the 1994 Bond Massacre, the 2001 NASDAQ crash, and the 2008 Financial Collapse- each financial crisis has occurred following a 7 year cycle.

Many are suddenly anticipating that we are on the verge of a major economic crash based on this seven year cycle of economic crashes. There is an additional element to this cycle which makes it even more extraordinary – This seven year cycle also lines up with the seven & 49 year cycles of land rest & jubilee debt forgiveness that God commanded the Israelites. If this cycle holds up once again in 2015, investors may be in for the worst market of their lifetimes.

How Shemitah, end of Jewish 7 year calendar cycle, spooks market
by Partha Sinha  /   27 Aug, 2015

“At a time when billionaires around the world are counting their losses from the ‘Manic Monday’ carnage and governments are looking for every available rule in their books to assuage nerves of jittery investors, ‘Shemitah’, a little know Biblical term, is keeping marketmen around the world busy. Shemitah, the last year of a seven-year cycle in the Jewish calendar, has several times in the past brought immense financial hardships to the world. The biggest Wall Street crash of 1987 happened during Shemitah and so did the bond market carnage of 1994. The 911 terror attack happened a day after Shemitah in 2001 and Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the subsequent 777-point fall in Dow Jones in 2008 also happed around Shemitah.

September 2015 being another Shemitah, which ends on Sunday , September 13, and with the global financial markets seemingly on a razor’s edge, people from Wall Street to Dalal Street are tanking up on their knowledge of this event from Hebrew history. From the US to India, from the UK to Japan, Shemitah (also written as Shemittah and Shemita) is now one of the top trending terms on Google. On August 24 and August 25, on the Google Trends search, ‘Shemitah’ had a score of 100, which means 10% or more of all the searches from that region was for this particular word. A YouTube video on the topic that was uploaded about two months ago and deals with an impending financial collapse has already been seen 1.1 million times.

Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and author of the book The Mystery of the Shemitah, is also trending on Google searches, along with Canadian Jeff Berwick, the main character in the YouTube video. The term, the link to the YouTube video and some more literature on the topic, including one titled ‘Survive Shemitah’, and the link to the Jewish calendar, are doing the rounds in several WhatsApp groups on Dalal Street. The term has also gone viral on other social media platforms, an independent web consultant said.

Terming the coincidences relating to the Biblical calendars and financial market collapses as ‘scary’, the chief of one of the leading brokerages in India said given the current market situation, one cannot just ignore it completely and move on. This Monday’s crash, which also happened within days of the start of the last month of Shemitah, has acted as a catalyst for fund managers, traders, speculators and rich investors on Dalal Street, market players said. For a change, this diverse group of people, when it comes to their ways of making money , is suddenly finding itself on the same page: That of keeping a close watch on Elul 5775.”

The Elite Have Prepared For The Coming Collapse – Have You?
by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog  /  09/07/2015

“Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet?  And why did they start dumping stocks like crazy earlier this year?  Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?  The things that I am about to share with you are quite alarming.  It appears that the global elite have a really good idea of what is coming, and they have already taken substantial steps to prepare for it.

Sadly, most of the general population is absolutely clueless about the financial collapse that is about to take place, and thus most of them will be completely blindsided by it. As I discussed the other day, the only way that you make money in the stock market is if you get out in time. The elite understand this very well, and that is why they have been dumping stocks for months.  This is something that has even been reported in the mainstream news.  For example, this comes from a CNBC article that was published on June 16th

“The so-called smart money is pulling back from market risk, with fund managers taking down exposure to stocks, increasing cash holdings and buying protection against a sharp selloff.

About two weeks before that, I discussed the same phenomenon on my website.  The article that I published on May 30th was entitled “Why Is The Smart Money Suddenly Getting Out Of Stocks And Real Estate?

Did the “smart money” know what was about to happen?  Since the peak of the market, the Dow has already lost more than 2200 points.  All of the gains since the end of the 2013 calendar year have already been completely wiped out. And of course the truth is that you didn’t really need any inside information to see that it was time to get out.  I have been warning my readers for months about what was coming.  The signs have been clear as a bell if you were willing to look at them.  Just consider the following excerpt from a recent piece by Michael Pento

Earlier in the year margin debt had risen over $30 billion or 6.5% to $507 billion and was equal to a record 2.87% of U.S. GDP. This surpasses the previous all-time high of 2.78% set in March 2000 – the top of the last largest stock market bubble in history. And despite the assurance of every mutual fund manager on TV that they have boatloads of cash ready to deploy at these “discounted” levels, in early August cash levels at mutual funds sank to their lowest level in history, 3.2% (see chart below). As a percentage of stock market capitalization, fund cash levels are also nearing the record low set in 2000 when the NASDAQ peaked and subsequently crashed by around 80%.

The financial markets are absolutely primed for a major crash, and when that happens many among the elite will be hightailing it to the middle of nowhere.

Earlier this year, the Mirror published an article all about this entitledPanicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if poor rise up“.  Here is a brief excerpt…

Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. He said: “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway.”

Keep in mind that these are not just some rumors that Robert Johnson has heard.  These are people that he knows personally and that he interacts with regularly. And Robert Johnson was not alone in this assessment.  Here is more from the Mirror

His comments were backed up by Stewart Wallis, executive director of the New Economics Foundation, who when asked about the comments told CNBC Africa: “Getaway cars, the airstrips in New Zealand and all that sort of thing, so basically a way to get off. “If they can get off, onto another planet, some of them would.”


For some reason, the global elite seem to have a particular affinity for New Zealand.  Perhaps it is because of the great natural beauty of the nation combined with the fact that it is in the middle of nowhere.  The following comes from the Daily Mail

New Zealand, which is about the size of the UK, but has a population of just 4.4 million, offers them all the modern luxuries they have come to expect – but miles from any country which may implode into chaos. The country is 11,658 miles away from the UK, while its closest neighbour is Fiji – 1,612 miles away, more than double the distance between Lands End and John O’Groats. Homes at the top end of the market come with tennis courts, swimming pools and media rooms – and some even boast their own personal jetties where a family can moor their boat. But the icing on the cake for those looking to make a quick escape comes in the form of private helipads or, better, your own airstrip.

Americans have been buying a record number of guns as well

Newly released August records show that the FBI posted 1.7 million background checks required of gun purchasers at federally licensed dealers, the highest number recorded in any August since gun checks began in 1998. The numbers follow new monthly highs for June (1.5 million) and July (1.6 million), a period which spans a series of deadly gun attacks — from Charleston to Roanoke — and proposals for additional firearm legislation.

For a very long time, I have been warning people to get prepared. Well, now we are getting so close that panic is starting to set in. Hopefully you are already well prepared for what is about to happen.  If not, you need to kick your prepping into overdriveThese next few months are going to change everything. Get ready while you still can.”

29 ELUL  [13 SEPTEMBER 2015]

Year of Release (Shemittah)
“Every seventh year is a Year of Release (shemittah year). The name comes from Shanath haShemittah (year of the release). There are three main provisions:

Release from work. One is not allowed to cultivate the land or trade its produce. People are released from work. Available food is shared, is freely available at no cost.
Release from debt. Unpaid debts are cancelled at the end of the year.
Learning the law. The Torah was read to the people at Succoth so that they could learn the law so as to observe it.

Observance of the Year of Release (shemittah) laws is so fundamental and important that scripture as well as the Jewish sages have described their neglect as one of the causes of Israel’s loss of Erez Israel and of Israel’s dispersion among the nations.

Release from Work
The Year of Release is a year of rest {33}. Working the land is prohibited. The land must rest and is left fallow. By ‘land’ is meant fields, vineyards and oliveyards. Ploughing, sowing and pruning are not permitted. No one works the land and people live from what grows by itself. This belongs to those who need it who take only what they need. The individual farmer may in the Year of Release only reap as much as he needs for his own household, in small quantities covering the needs of three meals. Produce is not harvested and what has been reaped must not be stored away. The reason is that the produce of the Year of Release must be common property and available to all for the common good, so that the poor can eat.

Cassuto {34} considers that every Hebrew is intended to work for only six consecutive years, and that after this period he shall be freed in the seventh year from the yoke of hard toil. The whole year is to be observed as a year of rest agriculturally and Rashi comments {35} that others have an equal right to its produce with the owner. The produce are to be ownerless and available to all, so that the poor may eat and what the poor leave is to be left for animals. The owner may eat his own produce but only as long as some of the produce he is eating still remains in the field for the animals. That is as long as some of the produce is also available to all, is also available to the poor. As soon as each kind of produce ceases to be available in the open for animals, no one may store that kind of produce in his house. This means that stored produce has to be shared with all. Dayan Grunfeld {36} points out that observance is a considerable financial sacrifice for farmers.

Release from Debt
The needy borrower has fallen into a state of social dependence on the lender {37} and the Year of Release (shemittah) was intended to prevent this. The word ‘shemit’ means ‘to escape from your hand’. The lender ‘held the borrower in his hand’, had power over him. After the Year of Release the lender may no longer demand the debt and has allowed the borrower to escape from his hand. Unpaid debts are cancelled {38} at the end of the Year of Release {39}. This does not apply to unpaid wages or credit for day by day purchases but means that a lender is legally prevented from collecting {8} all debts which have not been repaid by the end of the Year of Release. The effect of the cancellation on post-dated loans and on pledges is discussed in Appendix 2.

In any case one may not press for payment {40} and no creditor would seem to have the right to press for payment of a debt during the seventh year. Hirsch {41} says that if the borrower insists on repaying then the lender may accept it since it is not the tendency of the Torah to release those who can pay from paying and this means that those who can pay should pay. Only money lent to Hebrews is released during the Year of Release.

Rashi {42} considers that it is a positive command to ensure repayment of debts by non-Hebrews, presumably because they themselves do not release debts and do not adhere to other benevolent Jewish laws such as those which forbid charging interest on loans and enforcing repayment. One needs to release all debts without quibble or question or precondition or doubt or difficulty, without trying to dodge or avoid or modify the release of those whom one has in one’s power because of their indebtedness.

“A speech by Jonathan Cahn, Jan. 21, 2013, the morning of Barack Obama’s second presidential inauguration, at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast. The unofficial gathering, which included members of Congress, government leaders and Christian ministers, took place just one hour before Obama took the oath of the presidency.”

Release from Ignorance (learning the law)
It is laid down that at the end of every Year of Release during Succoth (Tabernacles) the law written by Moses is to be read {43} before all Israel. This is to be done so that all hear, learn, respect and observe all the words of the law, so that knowledge and observance are passed on to future generations as long as Jewish people live in the land of Erez Israel.

Release from Want Every Seventh Year
The Year of Release applied to present-day working conditions, say a sabbatical year and release from debt every seventh year for all, could have an impact as great as the Sabbath has on the dignity of individuals and on the quality of life itself.

Year of Freedom (Yovel)
The Year of Freedom (yovel year) is the year after seven release cycles (shemittahs) each of which is seven years long. This means that the Year of Freedom is the fiftieth year after seven times seven which is forty-nine years.

The laws of the Year of Freedom have the following effects {44}: Freedom is restored to those who lost it, is to be restored to those who are serving others. The people are thus freed to return to their families and to their land. Land is returned to the hereditary owners, or to their heirs. The source of wealth, the productive land, is once again shared out among the people. Year of rest. It is a year of rest from working the land, it appears to be a year of rest from work for others. Just as in the Year of Release, farm work may not be carried out and the produce of the land is to be made freely available to all free of charge.

This is how Dr. Jacobus {8} describes the effect of the provisions of the Year of Freedom: ‘At the end of the fifty years of the Yovel period some people have amassed a fortune of land, some have lost theirs, some have had to sell themselves into slavery and at the end of the period the land reverts back to its original owners, the slaves regain their freedom. Freedom and ownership revert back to the original fair distribution.’ It was the shofar sounding on Yom Kippur which restored freedom to servants and restored property.”

by Karen Christino

“Related to two United States presidents, Evangeline Adams capitalised on an upscale image to serve such clients as J.P. Morgan, Charles Schwab, Tallulah Bankhead and Joseph Campbell. Beginning her astrological studies in Boston in 1887, she was practicing professionally by the time of her first Saturn return. She claimed to have successfully predicted the Windsor Hotel fire in New York City in 1899, and moved there in 1905. Adams was arrested for fortune-telling in 1911, and although the charges were dismissed, she gained great publicity as a result of the arrest. A reporter for the New York World interviewed her and confirmed seeing Lady Paget’s 1910 note to Adams, which said, “Wonderful woman, all you said about the King came too sadly true.” Adams always maintained she had foreseen King Edward VII’s death, and also claimed to have seen that George Vs reign would be a bloody one, which, she said, led to her unpopularity in London that season.

In 1914, Adams was tried for fortune telling in New York, but was acquitted of all wrong-doing. Many papers quoted the judge’s decision that she “had raised astrology to the dignity of an exact science”. Around the same time, Alan Leo’s legal problems led him away from prediction (he was first arrested in 1914, and found guilty of fortune telling in London in 1917). Evangeline, while more circumspect, continued to forecast. In a January 2nd 1927 lecture she utilised the cycle of Uranus in the US chart and said “the signs point to a war …. for religious, racial and political reasons, in 1942, 1943 and 1944”. Uranus aspecting Jupiter in the US chart, she said, also warned of impending financial difficulties: “In 1928 and 1929… it behooves everyone to be extremely cautious in investment and money matters, and be prepared for this threatening configuration of planets”. The stock market crash occurred in October of 1929.

Evangeline's nativity
“Evangeline Adams was born on February 8, 1868 at 8:36 am LMT in Jersey City, NJ. USA (46N44/74W65). Her disputed birth date is recorded in A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree, Massachusetts(1898): in 1910 Census records, and on her death certificate. Evangeline gives us the time of birth in her autobiography The Bowl of Heaven, citing her fathers diary. The chart above uses Placidus for the house cusps.”

Adams worked on a book with Aleister Crowley in the teens; gossip has it that they were also personally involved. After they separated, however, Crowley published an attack of Evangeline’s astrological skills and business methods, calling her “a grey-haired old woman of exceedingly shrewd expression”. Adams’ books, however, were not published until after her marriage at the age of 50 to promoter George E. Jordan, Jr., a man over 20 years her junior. The Bowl Heaven (1926) was a charming autobiography, but others were simple introductory texts. Astrology: Your Place Among The Stars (1930), Adams most ambitious book, had been co-written in parts with Crowley, and addressed the influence of planets in signs.

Adams’ 1930-31 radio show was said to be one of the most popular of its time. When homeopathic physician and medical astrologer Dr. Luke D. Broughton had arrived in the United States from Leeds in the 1850s, he counted only 20 people in the country who could calculate a birth chart, none of them American. By the twenties, after Adams had popularised it, thousands were familiar with and interested in astrology. But was this the blessing that it seems? The public learned only a watered-down version of the real thing, and eventually created the popularity of Sun-sign and psychological astrology. And Adams was never able to pass on her traditional techniques or detailed expertise.”

A Look at the Famous Astrologer Evangeline Adams
by Karen Christino

“Here are some of the legends: Evangeline Adams made astrology legal in New York. She predicted the Windsor Hotel fire, the stock market crash of ’29, World War II, the deaths of King Edward VII, Enrico Caruso, and even herself. Her books, now all out of print, are eagerly sought after by students, and even stolen from library shelves. Her reputation rests on her astrological expertise, but she was also known to be a palmist. Some even say she was primarily psychic or clairvoyant. But the fact remains that she was the best-known American astrologer of her day.

I was fascinated by this woman, and intrigued by the events in her life. Just what was true, and why is it still discussed over half a century after her death? As I began researching Adams’ life for my book about her, I would ask these questions again and again. Evangeline Adams had an eventful life and ran a hugely profitable and successful business at a time when women commonly remained dependent upon men for their livelihood. She has left us not only several astrology books, but an autobiography as well. And there is much documentation on her life available: Adams was an active promoter of herself, giving many interviews to newspaper and magazine reporters.

Fortunately, consistent birth data for Adams has been published: February 8, 1868 at 8:30 am in Jersey City, New Jersey, making her an Aquarian with Pisces rising. Adams’ horoscope is quite revealing, as it indicates an emotionally sensitive individual. I feel that Adams truly believed in her work. Her compassionate nature drew her to help others through astrological consultation and guidance. The Pisces influence is also probably responsible for the mystery, glamour and romance which surround Adams. Evangeline’s autobiography, The Bowl of Heaven is laced with humor and irony, and is her life as she would have us see it. I view the book as a promotional piece for both astrology and the author. As such, it is free of bold confessions, dicey personal anecdotes, or any hint of sex. Today we are accustomed to the juicy “tell all” biography.

But Evangeline Adams was writing at a different time, and she was writing as a professional. Her readers therefore only get those facts which are either entertaining or which support Adams’ role as an astrological authority. If we will have the real story of Evangeline’s life, we must read between the lines. Take, for example, the only references to her father: “My father died when I was 15 months old,” and “My father, through no fault of his own, had lost most of his money just before his death.” How tantalizing they are! And yet I have  been unable to find out exactly what occurred. Was there an accident or illness? Was the man swindled or did he make a bad investment? We may never know.

“The last three times Asian currencies collapsed against the U.S. dollar”

Ascertaining anything about Evangeline’s personal romantic life was also difficult. Once more, limited details are provided by the author herself in her autobiography, but it appears obvious that her employer, Mr. Lord, was the same man to whom Evangeline was engaged. Yet there are glaring contradictions in her account. On one hand, she professes to have been in love with and engaged to the man. Then she describes herself as being “totally unresponsive” and declares “I did not love him.” What really went on? We can say that logically she contradicts herself. Setting pure logic aside, however, it is apparent that she had mixed feelings about the relationship. She is able to see, feel, and understand alternate views of the situation, especially in retrospect. A complicated emotional nature is revealed.

“The Mundane Planetary Cyclic Index 1900-2000. The Mundane Planetary Cyclic Index is the sum of all the angular distances between the pairs of the outer planets, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The Cyclic Index has proven to be one of the most accurate predictive tools for mundane astrologers for determining economic growth and political relations among nations.”

What is also revealed is the extremely important role which astrology played in Adams’ decision-making process. I estimate that her engagement took place between about 1893 and 1896, when she then left her secretarial job behind and began practicing astrology professionally. She had been studying astrology for at least seven or eight years and already had great faith in it. I believe that Evangeline herself broke off the engagement. In late 19th century Boston, this was a real no-no, even approaching the censure of divorce (a woman couldn’t even kiss a man unless they were engaged, meaning that they would soon definitely marry). This must have been a frightfully dramatic episode, but Adams characteristically sidesteps the details. She goes on, instead, to discuss how vehemently her family opposed her. Obviously, part of their anger was due to the fact that Evangeline was breaking not only intellectual, religious and philosophic taboos, but social ones as well.

Any influence Mr. Lord exerted was along conventional lines — the traditional promise of a home and family.  Her astrology teacher, Dr. Smith, on the other hand, represented the unconventional:  astrology and an independent life. We can only imagine how torn Adams was as she fought to reconcile these opposing ambitions within herself.  What would be the element of power in her life, the love and financial support of a well-to-do husband, or having control of her own destiny through an independent career? The objective nature of astrology finally tipped the scales. Evangeline Adams was born during the Victorian era. She came from the Boston area, in her own words, “the most conservative circle of that conservative city”. Some of her forebears had been Congregationalist ministers, and this conservative religious group was the successor to the Massachusetts Colony’s Puritans.

Although Adams would from young adulthood espouse untraditional views and unorthodox beliefs, her upbringing was what would in those days have been termed “quite proper.” Extremely independent and liberal-thinking, Adams nonetheless had as part of her nature a strict sense of social morality. Her telling and sometimes humorous account of an early consultation with a prostitute gives us insight into her background. “That first interview in Boston prostrated me. I wasn’t myself for weeks. And I have the same reaction even now on a less violent scale.” Here we have a woman with a certain moral code. And we can expect that she will always try to conduct herself in a manner consistent with good taste and proper decorum. Strong social forces forced Evangeline to keep her private life private.

Adams’ impressionistic style is what makes her writing so enjoyable. But as we have seen, it also make it quite difficult to verify particulars; intuition must fill in the gaps. Her writing technique, which I feel was quite natural, contributed to what I view as the “myths” which surround Adams. Many stories are so richly symbolic and almost parable-like that they lend themselves quite easily to embellishment upon repetition. Take, for instance, Adams’ arrest for fortune-telling in New York in 1914. Many publications have repeated the fiction that Evangeline made astrology legal in New York. Anyone who took a look at Section 889 of the NY Criminal Code would see that it still remained illegal for anyone to “tell fortunes.”

So where does this misleading statement originate? If we return to The Bowl, Evangeline tells us that, “I had but one ambition: to legalize astrology in the State of New York”. She goes on to give us an overview of how she was acquitted of wrong-doing.  Yet we must recognize that the laws had not changed. A precedent had been set, however, in how the law would be interpreted in the future. Just because an astrologer practiced professionally would no longer legally mean that she was guilty of wrong doing.  Evangeline implies in her book that she was successful in making astrology legal — the reader’s mind tends to fill in the rest in a certain way. The is the nature of Piscean accounting!

Today, there do continue to be those who believe that Adams was primarily psychic or clairvoyant.  Her four books on astrology convince me that this is not the case, and her predictions consistently seem to invoke the clear timing which only astrology can provide. Evangeline was highly attuned to the planet Neptune. We must assume that she had quite a strong intuition, and that she was in touch with the Infinite. If we want to understand Evangeline Adams as a true and complex person, we must be willing to admit that there was more to her life than astrology alone. I cannot help but feel that Adams’ life and memory have now been truly resurrected, as well as transformed as a result.  So many of the old legends turn out to be true, confirmation is available, even though some claims have often been exaggerated through the years.”

“Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire, you need an astrologer.” – J.P. Morgan

Evangeline Adams altered (vanity?) chart for J.P.Morgan, founder of the Morgan Bank: Born April 17, 1837, Hartford, Connecticut. 3:00 AM LMT (as of his grandfather’s diary) or adjusted to 1:10 PM, LMT (by Evangeline Adams, astrologer to Morgan). J.P. Morgan Died, March 31, 1913, 00:30 AM, in Rome, Italy

NOTE: “Morgan was a client of one of the world’s most renowned astrologers, Evangeline Adams, who, for whatever reasons, rectified his astrological chart to 1:10 PM, a jump forward of some ten hours… Because the Leo Ascendant chosen by Adams was pretty much opposite the degree of Aquarius rising in the chart based on Morgan’s grandfather’s time, aspects and eclipses relating to one of the horizon’s “angles”  would relate to the other, and the astrologer could, thereby, be deceived.”

ALSO: “Two books were published under the authorship of Evangeline Adams, but were both largely ghost-written by Aleister Crowley in 1915 as the document The General Principles of Astrology: Astrology: Your Place in the Sun (1927), and Astrology: Your Place Among The Stars (with One Hundred Horoscopes of Famous People) (1930)”

How Horoscopes Are Faked
by Aleister Crowley (published as Cor Scorpionis)

“I have always been opposed to the receiving of money for anything which has in any way to do with the occult sciences. Because they are so important and so sacred, one ought to be particularly on one’s honor with regard to them. As the Scripture says: “Avoid the appearance of evil.” The more serious one is about the subject, the more careful one should be to do nothing which can make any one justified in calling you a humbug. The laws of the State of New York are supposed to prohibit fortune-telling, and they are, indeed, applied with great severity so far as the little fish are concerned. But the big fish, the most conscienceless swindlers of all, seem to dodge the police. A lot of bluff has been put up about “scientific” astrology. I propose to show how the game is really worked.

Let us pay a visit to one of the best known of them. We find an expensive apartment in one of the best parts of the city. We are not very much impressed by the furniture. There is a good deal of muddle, a good deal of junk, a complete absence of taste. The spider of this web is a grey-haired old woman of exceedingly shrewd expression. She explains to us by pamphlets and by word that she is a really “scientific” investigator. In setting up a horoscope, for example, she is very careful to calculate the places of the planets, not only to degrees but to minutes and seconds. That sounds wonderfully accurate, doesn’t it? However, when it comes to making the real calculations upon which astrology is based, an error of ten or twelve degrees is of no account at all. Which is rather like announcing that a man took two hours, 33 minutes and 14 2-5 seconds to run several miles. The alleged accuracy is quite meaningless. It is only a sham to impress the client. It is also to be observed that owing to the pressure of business she has these calculations made by her chauffeur! This, I suppose, is a point of war economy.

She is grotesquely ignorant of the first principles of astronomy. She has no conception, for example, of the Solar System as a Disk, but imagines that the planets are all over the place, like the raisins in a plum-pudding. She calls her country house the Zodiac — and doesn’t know what the Zodiac is! One word more on the “scientific accuracy” business. If astrology is to be done at all, if there is any sense in it whatever, which I do not for one moment deny, the calculations depend upon a fairly close approximation of the hour and minute of birth. For example, the Seventh house, the place of the setting sun, refers to marriage, so that if a person is born with an unfortunate planet like Saturn setting, he may expect an unfortunate marriage. It is obviously of vital importance for the inquirer to know whether Saturn was setting or not. There is a certain amount of latitude, from about one to two hours, for Saturn would remain in that house for about that period. But where the birth hour is not known within about an hour the horoscope becomes worthless. If the time were six hours earlier, Saturn would be in the mid-heaven and bring misfortune in business or reputation rather than in marriage. However, to the fashionable astrologer this must not matter. She has to get the dollars from the people who do not know in the least at what hour of the day or night they were born. She has the impudence to assure them that it doesn’t matter, all the time insisting upon her wonderful scientific accuracy.

There is no need to cast any doubt upon the sincerity of the belief of the woman. She talks astrology day and night. She dreams of it. She sets up a horoscope for her vast family of cats and dogs, and is scared out of her life when some planet threatens her horoscope. But the people who deceive themselves most effectually are also those who deceive others most effectually. Whether it is knavery or folly does not matter very much. What I want to do is to explain to the people who are paying five dollars that they are not getting genuine astrology at all. It may be said that a horoscope (granting for a moment the genuineness of the science) is a complete map of the life and character of the native. To read one properly would mean at least a week’s continuous work. But the demand is for $5 and $10 horoscopes; and obviously no more than a few minutes can be given to each one if the lady is to clear her forty or fifty thousand a year. It is also necessary to give a good deal of apparent value for the money. There are only 12 signs and only 9 planets to be considered. For the influence of the rising sign, therefore, one only needs 12 multigraphed pages. As each planet can be in any sign we shall need 9 times 12 multigraph pages to cover the action of the planets. Each planet can be, roughly speaking, in fortunate or unfortunate aspect, and 162 more pages will be needed. These pages need not be prepared right away. A new one can be dictated as each aspect turns up in practice. These pages are all pigeon-holed, and by means of a chart the astrologer can tell her secretary which paper to pick out for any horoscope that comes along. The secretary can then pick them out and pin them together in a very few minutes, and there is your horoscope.

The objection to this proceeding is fairly obvious. In practically all horoscopes there are indications which clash with each other. To judge such a horoscope properly, the whole thing should be taken into individual consideration, and a reconcilement obtained. With the “reach-me-down” method all this is necessarily ignored, and the client may be surprised to find on page two of the horoscope, that she is kind and considerate, and on page 4, that she is selfish and inconsiderate. There is further a great theoretical objection; which is that a horoscope, to be a horoscope at all, must be a live thing. To get them out in this mechanical fashion is to offer a corpse instead. It is true that the astrologer sometimes condescends to look upon the horoscope as a whole, and dictate one or two pages at the end, but this is not always done. There is no guarantee that it will be done.

It is probably difficult to take legal exception to this branch of the business, but it is only a very small branch. It is the thin end of the wedge. The fortune telling, pure and simple, comes afterwards. The astrologer issues a series of so-called monthly forecasts which explain how the actual position of the planets in the heavens at the time should react upon any given horoscope. Another set of multigraphed pages is of course required for this. These pages are carefully examined by a lawyer, for we are now getting into the danger zone. The phraseology is very carefully chosen, for nothing must be said which would be indictable as a prediction. Thus, instead of saying, “you will be lucky in speculation during the first week of October,” the phrase is “financial conditions seem to be operating favorably during the first week in October.” These monthly forecasts are received at $24 a year, and as they require a good deal of trouble in preparation, it is evident that the cheapness has something behind it. These forecasts are what you may call bait, and the fish to be caught is the “personal consultation.”  Suppose I am told in my forecasts that financial conditions are favorable for a certain period, I am going to ask for more. I want to know exactly how to make the best use of the opportunity; so I ring up the lady and get an appointment. This appointment may ostensibly be a $5 or $10 one; but in reality I may have to pay much more for it. I may have to let the lady in on a percentage of profits on the gamble in “war babies.” Similarly, if I am an actress, or other easily exploitable person, I may have to pay a great deal extra. Once the fly is in the web, the spider can dictate its own terms.

Women are particularly foolish with astrologers. They tell all their love affairs. Again, even cautious Mrs. A. will tell one side of a story; prudent Miss B. next day, the other side. The astrologer becomes mistress of these women, body and soul. Perhaps she does not blackmail them; but she is in a position to do so if she wishes. At the very least, the victims realize their own position, and are careful to do anything the astrologer may ask. Then, again, there is the matrimonial agency graft; and the highly profitable business of entremetteuse. (We do not assert that, in the particular case we are discussing, these things are done, but they could be done. It is immoral to permit the existence of a secret power of this kind.)

It is all done under the cloak of astrology. Mr. C., calls and looks for a soul-mate; the astrologer soon finds some woman, “whose Venus is on his Sun,” and arranges a little dinner-party. All in the sacred cause of astrology — scientific astrology; the old lady would be genuinely shocked if you called her by her real name. But she takes her commission all the same, and superstition is so extraordinarily strong that when faith is established there is no limit to the amount of which the victim can be fleeced. This being the really dangerous part of the work, the astrologer is extraordinarily careful about making appointments. One has to have very good introductions. Word quickly goes round as to what the police are doing.

For example, a few months ago it was rumored that a red-haired detective had been engaged, and all women with red hair, unless previously known, had to pass the 33rd degree before they reached the center of the web. There is no doubt in the mind of the astrologer that she is breaking the law. She lives in continual terror of the police. She knows well enough that it was only a fluke that she was not convicted at her previous prosecutions. However, she boasts openly of her “pull” with certain society leaders who can protect her from the police. Properly managed, evidence is easy to obtain.”

“Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no prince would make war or peace,  nor any General fight in battle. In short, no important affair was  undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer” – Benjamin Franklin

by Bruce Scofield

“For thousands of years, sailors, fishermen and farmers have believed that the movements of the Moon correlate with the life cycles of many living things on planet Earth. Today this belief is a fact; scientists have demonstrated that many marine organisms and mammals do indeed behave in accordance with lunar cycles. But what about humans? We know that a woman’s menstrual cycle is, on average, the same as the monthly lunar cycle, and some researchers have pointed to a similar monthly cycle in men. Here’s where astrology steps in. This ancient science has not only recognized a lunar influence on human emotion and behavior, it has developed a way of mapping it.

The Moon in the Signs
The monthy cycle of the Moon is one that should be of special interest to those learning astrology. This cycle is tracked, or mapped out, by the movement of the Moon through the zodiac. In one month, the Moon travels through each of the twelve signs. As it passes through each sign, its impact on our lives varies. Most people experience a cycle of emotional highs and lows throughout the month that correlate with the movement of the Moon as it travels from sign to sign. Everyone is different. Some people may experience emotional highs when the Moon is in Leo, others may experience lows. These variations are explained by the arrangement of planets in our personal horoscopes. We can discover our normal cycle by keeping notes on how we feel each day for several months. Over the course of several lunar cycles, a pattern should emerge.

The Phases of the Moon
Another way that astrology maps the lunar cycle has to do with the aspects  the Moon makes with the other planets. Aspects are the angles and alignments that form as the Moon moves from sign to sign and changes its relationship to the other planets. The new Moon, Full Moon and the quarters are aspects between the Moon and the Sun. Since ancient times, the lunar aspects have been used to make weather predictions and to select times to do things. They are still found in some almanacs and on astrological calendars. The phases of the Moon that appear on nearly every calendar are a relic from the days when almanacs and calendars were one and the same.

The New Moon
The New Moon, which occurs when the Sun and Moon pass near each other in the same part of the zodiac, marks the beginning of the Sun-Moon cycle of 29.5 days (the synodic cycle). This close passage between them, when they are 0 degrees apart, is called the conjunction. If the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun, it’s a solar eclipse—a particularly high-powered New Moon. The sign that the New Moon happens to be in can describe the emotional energies of the public over the next week or two. For example, the recent New Moon in Aries. Occurred around the time that the stock market took a big dip. Aries is a sign of impulsive action and many traders were getting panicky. The New Moon in Taurus can bring out security needs and people will most likely make conservative choices then. Check out the sign that the New Moon falls into for insight into public trends.

The Quarters of the Moon
The quarters of the lunation cycle mark periods of tension. They occur when the Moon is halfway between New and Full, at an angle of 90 degrees (the square) to the Sun. Stress is often high during the day of the quarters, and even the day before and after. The First Quarter marks a time of pressure to do things, the Third Quarter pressure to understand things. Don’t commence a major undertaking, like opening a business or getting married, when the Moon is at either of the quarters.

The Full Moon
At the Full Moon, the lunation cycle reaches its halfway point. The Sun and Moon are now at opposition, 180 degrees apart. Like the New Moon, the sign that the Moon is in when it is full can offer us valuable information on public trends. Very often important decisions or announcements are made at the Full Moon. Peace treaties may be signed and agreements between competitors reached. It can be a time of clarity and objectivity. But there’s also a darker side to the full Moon. Sometimes emotions get out of hand and the Full Moon marks a time of riots and social disruption.”


Five “Too Big To Fail” Banks U.S. With More Than $40 Trillion Each In Exposure To Derivatives

“Another ominous sign that we are heading towards a financial trouble is President Obama recently signed omnibus spending plan that changed several provisions in the Dodd-Frank law  that restricted derivative trading and the use of depositor money for Wall Street gamblers. What that means is bankers can use depositor money and if or when the markets blows up and the banks are in trouble again, depositors (checking and savings accounts, along with trust funds, and pensions) will be on the hook for trillions of bad bets by the Too Big To Fail (TBTF) banks. There are 5 TBTF banks in the United States that each have more than $40 trillion in exposure to derivatives of various types. They are as follows:

JPMorgan Chase
Total Assets: $2,476,986,000,000 (about $2.5 trillion)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $67,951,190,000,000 (more than $67 trillion)

Goldman Sachs
Total Assets: $915,705,000,000 (less than a trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $54,564,516,000,000 (more than $54 trillion)

Bank Of America
Total Assets: $2,152,533,000,000 (a bit more than $2.1 trillion)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $54,457,605,000,000 (more than $54 trillion)

Morgan Stanley
Total Assets: $831,381,000,000 (less than $1 trillion)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $44,946,153,000,000 (more than $44 trillion)

Total Assets: $1,894,736,000,000 (almost $1.9 trillion)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $59,944,502,000,000 (nearly $60 trillion)

Citigroup was the driving force behind recent legislation to use taxpayer money to insure banks against losses in the risky derivatives market. Citigroup has increased the amount of derivatives on its books by 69% since 2007. Americans already bailed out Citigroup during the financial crisis to the tune of $45 billion, plus $2 trillion in emergency loans!”

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