“Authors of the invention developed an industrial method of biochemical elements transmutation. That is, the artificial obtaining of certain chemical elements and their isotopes from other chemical elements with biochemical method. Without need of the reactors, cyclotrons, without use of enriched Uranium, heavy water, etc. Safe for environment and personnel. The method is possible to use for 100% deactivation of nuclear waste.

The method and the results are verified and confirmed by hundreds of tests on modern equipment. Analyses were carried out by independent experts – chemists – analysts, professors. Acts of analyzes available. The results are patented by Russian Patent Department, patent RU 2563511 dated 25 August 2015. We have conducted more than 2000 experiments, and got stable results. The method leads to obtaining various valuable and most valuable elements and isotopes, demanded in energy, medicine, industry. Among them Francium, Radium, Actinium, Protactinium, Americium, Berkelium, Californium, and various other isotopes. All of them in convenient form, favorable for separation and purification. Technology is ready for immediate industrial application. Our research was conducted with private money and the technology is 100% owned by the group.

We can obtain these elements not in milligrams as in traditional method, but in hundreds of grams and even Kilograms. Safe and extremely cost effective. As a source of raw materials, simple elements such as uranium, thorium ore, other ores or radioactive nuclear waste. The presented invention provides access to new sources of energy and medicines. It will give impulse to the development is spheres such as energy, industry, medicine, space exploration and inaccessible areas of the earth and the oceans.”

Vladislav Karabanov: “Now the essence of this discovery and technology boils down to the development of an industrial method for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes. What we have to show you today is a transmutation without any nuclear reactors, without heavy water or anything of the kind, to obtain a transmutation of elements. Our approach to the chemical transmutation of elements is biochemical in nature.”

“Let’s move onto the process itself very briefly. The first component used in the process is ore, or nuclear waste. The second component of the process are valuable valency metals such as vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, and others. Either of these will do, but we tend to use iron as the least costly element. The third component and a factor in this process, these are bacteria. Usually we use iron and sulphur-reducing bacterial species which we select along a certain list of criteria, such as that the bacteria are active, that they are resistant to radiation, that they are adapted to a heavily salted solution — ore, suspended in water. Now about the technology itself: ore, or nuclear waste (there’s no difference) is processed by bacteria in the presence of valuable valency elements in any closed vessel. The transmutation process kicks off immediately, and proceed stage by stage for two or three weeks until target elements are obtained. But if it is not stopped on time, this process would carry on until stable isotopes are obtained as the end product.”


Abstract: “Radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes, are treated with an aqueous suspension of bacteria of Thiobacillus in the presence of elements with variable valence. The radioactive raw materials are used as ores or radioactive wastes of nuclear cycles. The method is implemented to obtain polonium, radon, francium, radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium, nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum, and their isotopes.

Effect: invention enables to obtain valuable radioactive elements, to carry out the inactivation of nuclear wastes with the conversion of radioactive isotopes of the waste elements into stable isotopes.”


by V.M. Kurashov, T.V. Sakhno, R.G. Maksimov

Abstract: “Sulphide ores containing uranium-238 and thorium-230 are treated with water suspension of iron- and sulphur-oxidizing bacteria of Thiobacillus genus. Valuable radioactive elements and their isotopes such as polonium, francium, radium, actinium, protactinium, artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium, neptunium, americium, hafnium, ytterbium, as well as radioactive and stable isotopes of mercury and noble metals platinum and gold are artificially obtained. Transmutation of chemical elements and transformation of isotopes of chemical elements with the use of microorganisms are discovered and achieved.”


by V.M. Kurashov, T.V. Sakhno, R.G. Maksimov

Abstract: “Monazite (thorium-containing) sand of Indian Ocean Coast and uranium- and thorium-containing ore of Arabian Peninsula were treated separately with water suspension of Thiobacillus genera bacteria. Valuable radioactive elements and their isotopes such as hafnium, polonium, francium, radium, actinium, protactinium, artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium, neptunium, americium, as well as radioactive and stable isotopes of mercury and noble metals platinum and gold are artificially obtained. Transmutation of chemical elements and transformation of isotopes of chemical elements with the use of microorganisms are discovered and achieved. The invention also allows inactivating nuclear wastes by transfer hazardous for people radioactive isotopes into stable ones.”


by Kurashov V.M., Sakhno T.V.

Abstract: “Radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with water suspension of bacteria Thiobacillus genus. Radioactive wastes from nuclear fuel cycles are used as radioactive raw material. The method allows artificially obtaining polonium, francium, radium, actinium, protactinium, artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium. The invention allows obtaining valuable radioactive elements and their isotopes, as well as inactivating nuclear wastes with conversion of dangerous for people radioactive isotopes into stable ones.”

“A scanning electron microscope image of a gold nugget,
revealing bacterioform (bacteria-shaped) structures

Gold-excreting bacteria could be modern day equivalent of the Philosopher’s stone
by Scott Sutherland / October 4, 2012

“Mentioned in writing as far back as 300 A.D., the Philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance sought by alchemists for its reputed ability to — among other things — turn lead into gold. Despite many attempts, alchemists were ultimately unsuccessful in producing the philosopher’s stone, but it would appear that modern science has found it, in the form of a bacteria that can excrete pure gold. The bacteria, Cupriavidus metallidurans, is able to consume the naturally-occurring toxic chemical gold chloride, and produce nuggets of 99.9% gold as a waste product.

On Material Safety Data Sheets, gold chloride is considered a “very hazardous” skin and eye irritant, and is very dangerous if inhaled or ingested, prompting laboratory workers to wear eye protection, lab coat, dust respirator and gloves when working with even small amounts of the substance and it seems that even a full environmental suit may not be sufficient protection when dealing with a large amount or spill.

“A bioreactor uses a gold-loving bacteria to turn liquid gold into useable, 24-karat gold”

Kazem Kashefi, an assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics, and Adam Brown, an associate professor of electronic art and intermedia, both at the University of Michigan, have put together a combination science and art exhibit called ‘The Great Work of the Metal Lover‘, named after ‘The Great Work’ — the supposed process by which an alchemist makes a philosopher’s stone. The exhibit, which looks like a giant alchemical experiment, contains the bacteria while it is fed the gold chloride, and it takes a week or so to consume the toxic chemical, leaving behind tiny spheres of gold.

The latest cost of a gram of gold in Canadian dollars, is $56.53, and depending on where you get it, you can buy gold chloride for about $25-30 a gram (or substantially less if you’re willing to buy it by the metric ton), so it might be economically feasible to make money doing this — IF you already have the facilities to safely handle the chemicals, as this is NOT the kind of operation you’d want to be running in your basement or garage.

The gold standard for currency hasn’t been used since 1971, so the world economy is in no danger of collapse due to this tiny microbe, although the current advocates of that system might want to beware.”

Bacterially-extracted gold


“At a time when the value of gold has reached an all-time high, Michigan State University researchers have discovered a bacterium’s ability to withstand incredible amounts of toxicity is key to creating 24-karat gold. “Microbial alchemy is what we’re doing – transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that’s valuable,” said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics. He and Adam Brown, associate professor of electronic art and intermedia, found the metal-tolerant bacteria Cupriavidus metallidurans can grow on massive concentrations of gold chloride – or liquid gold, a toxic chemical compound found in nature.

In fact, the bacteria are at least 25 times stronger than previously reported among scientists, the researchers determined in their art installation, “The Great Work of the Metal Lover,” which uses a combination of biotechnology, art and alchemy to turn liquid gold into 24-karat gold. The artwork contains a portable laboratory made of 24-karat gold-plated hardware, a glass bioreactor and the bacteria, a combination that produces gold in front of an audience. Brown and Kashefi fed the bacteria unprecedented amounts of gold chloride, mimicking the process they believe happens in nature. In about a week, the bacteria transformed the toxins and produced a gold nugget.

“Gold flecks produced by the art-science experiment”

“The Great Work of the Metal Lover” uses a living system as a vehicle for artistic exploration, Brown said. In addition, the artwork consists of a series of images made with a scanning electron microscope. Using ancient gold illumination techniques, Brown applied 24-karat gold leaf to regions of the prints where a bacterial gold deposit had been identified so that each print contains some of the gold produced in the bioreactor. “This is neo-alchemy. Every part, every detail of the project is a cross between modern microbiology and alchemy,” Brown said. “Science tries to explain the phenomenological world. As an artist, I’m trying to create a phenomenon. Art has the ability to push scientific inquiry.”

The Great Work of the Metal Lover” by Adam Brown, MSU
associate professor of electronic art & intermedia” photo: G L Kohuth]

It would be cost prohibitive to reproduce their experiment on a larger scale, he said. But the researchers’ success in creating gold raises questions about greed, economy and environmental impact, focusing on the ethics related to science and the engineering of nature. “The Great Work of the Metal Lover” was selected for exhibition and received an honorable mention at the world-renowned cyber art competition, Prix Ars Electronica, in Austria, where it’s on display until Oct. 7. Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most important awards for creativity and pioneering spirit in the field of digital and hybrid media, Brown said. “Art has the ability to probe and question the impact of science in the world, and ‘The Great Work of the Metal Lover’ speaks directly to the scientific preoccupation while trying to shape and bend biology to our will within the postbiological age,” Brown said.”


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